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Home Day Whinge

It’s been a weird day. My first full day at home in 12 days. I guess most people don’t spend full days at home but living half hour out of town – from shops, services etc. I often have a home day which involves seeing no one but my husband or maybe the in-laws.

Well it was often in my early days as a Mum, now it seems to be getting rarer and rarer and I NEED these days to catch up on life.

Today I was extra lucky as my daughter was happily playing with her cousin who had a sleepover the nigth before, I was still in bed at 8! And possibly could have stayed longer except there was so much I wanted to get done today. I started off well (thanks to a daily plan from Fly Lady) but after morning tea and numerous meltdowns from my kids I was tired, tired, tired. I tried to stay motivated, especially as I knew my husband was likewise tired but he still had to go to work – it felt like a losing battle.

Thankfully I got outside and ended up helping hubby and father-in-law with tailing lambs, a productive use of my afternoon (never mind the jobs that undoubtedly wouldn’t have got done even if I was at home).

Kids now in bed, facebook looked at (and so boring – what is going on!!) but again I’m tired, tired, tired and nothing feels that urgent that I should stretch myself to do it tonight. I’ll probably end up reading for a bit before going to sleep all before 9.30pm! Everywhere I look there are jobs that could be done and I know I’m no more likely to do them tomorrow but…

Well it is friday night and I can tick 2/7 items off my to do list. Next week big girl will be back at school and I’ll have time again…oh wait study…

Life IS really good at the moment and today was better than expected but now at the end of the day, I’m not satisfied but neither am I motivated and so I shall just whinge away on my wordpress account.

Good night all – please share your friday night whinge so I don’t feel alone (and have something to keep me up to a respectable hour)! And then go on and enjoy your weekend, that’s what I hope to do!!    – oh wait netball tomorrow….have a mentioned netty politics yet…. :p


