life · Uncategorized

Breathing Space

It’s been awhile in between posts. I was busy with end of semester assignments and it was tough. I got stressed. And my uncle killed himself.


There was so much more I was going to write, life has been busy as always and everyday brings new things to reflect on/stew over/praise God for but…


I’m on a 2 week mid-semester study break and considering dropping out of studies for a bit to focus on my own mental well-being. If it happens I will recommit to a blog a week or maybe to take pressure off, once a fortnight. Until then – enjoy your Friday night/weekend/wordpress reading.


ps to anyone that reads this it means a lot, feeling connected and heard is what I love about the world of blogging





How can I judge?

I’m a bit scared to share this…

A big news story in Australia over the Christmas break was the horrible deaths of a father and his two sons in a smallish country town. I don’t want to describe it so you may need to find a news article if you haven’t heard of it – google search Port Lincoln.

Of course social media saw a storm of articles following. His family came out with statements sharing that the father had seemed plagued with mental health issues – sadly without seeking help. His wife came out with words of love despite his actions. Many causes sought to use this awful incident for raising awareness of their own issues for example domestic violence. I however have been hesitant to equate theses tragic deaths with anything – we do not know all the details.

Many have rightfully  been appalled that a father could kill his children but I have a secret. I have experienced suicidal thoughts. I have been in the dark depths of depression. At one time I found myself thinking that if I killed myself I would have to kill my children too.

It was an awful place to be in.

I feel I can’t judge anyone without knowing all the details – not when I have had the same thoughts.

Do you judge me?


If you are struggling or know of anyone, have a look at this site and take action: